Aug 9, 2009

Potato Health(3)

Nutrition of potato per 100 gram
Energy 79 kilo Calorie
Vitamin B 60.27mg
Protein 2.6g
Fat 0.2g
Carbohydrate 17.8g
Folic acid 21mg
Dietary fiber 1.2g
Vitamin A1 1.2mg
Carotene 6mg
Vitamin B-1 0.1mg
Lactoflavin 0.02mg
Vitamin C 14mg
Vitamin E 0.34mg
Calcium 7mg
Phosphor 46mg
Kalium 347mg
Na 5.9mg
Mg 24mg
I 1.2mg
Fe 0.4mg
Zn 0.3mg
Se 0.47mg
Cu 0.09mg
Mn 0.1mg

potato health
Legend of super vegetable
Potato can be cook into many delicious dishes, by being fried, burned, and boiled. Since 50s in 20th century, fried potato chips have become popular among people ranging from youth to the old all over the world. Now. potato has been the main course in many countries. and also been made into dessert.
potato health
Anti-aging food
Potato is a natural anti-aging food.
potato health
Lose weight
Eating potato can lose weight, can’t it?
Yes! Don’t worry about your weight while enjoying potato because of its low level of fat. It only contains 0.1 per cent fat, the lowest fat content of food. Eating potato everyday not only can reduce the fat you take in, but also metabolize your fat.
potato health
But why do so many think it will gain weight after eating potato? The point is that how you cook, the potato, that is how you eat it.
Though potato contains only 0.1 per cent fat, it contain many starch granules. And these starch granules come into being many columns that are hollow just like the structure of vascular bundles.
Due to the structure, it can absorb much oil and store in it, especially boiled beef with potato, which contains much more fat than potato itself. This is why potato are easy to cause fat. What we can do is how to cook it. So we can enjoying potato and do not worry about our weight.
Fired potato and potato chips are not recommended.
potato health
Healthy Diet
Keep potato in everyday list
Go with vegetables
With rice in proportion of 3 :1 or 4:1

Related Posts:
Potato Health(1)
Potato Health(2)
Enjoy desserts,Not bound to Fat!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks, for this informative post.Now i can have potatoes ......... thanks for letting me know that potatoes are not fattening.
