Aug 16, 2009

Cubic Zirconia Jewelry

With the economy developing, the fashion trend appears more changeable. There is a style of costume in a special time. If you have sufficient moola to update your wardrobe, don’t be mean about your money.
Cubic Zirconia JewelryCubic Zirconia Jewelry

The current trend of fashion is becoming Cubic Zirconia Jewelry. What is Cubic Zirconia? OK. Let me introduce it to you.

Before Cubic Zirconia appears, Zirconia is the best replacement of diamond. It has strong birefringence, that is, it has two refractive indexes. Besides, there is big difference between two refractive indexes, which lead to a special optic phenomenon therefore. When you look at the Zirconia through magnifier, you see the obvious diplopia from the bottom and the ridge. However, the diamond is isotropic material, so it will not generate the phenomenon of diplopia.

Cubic Zirconia Jewelry
Cubic Zirconia:
It is brought forward by Soviet Union as an ideal replacement of diamond, which is man-made mixture without any natural mineral. Since Cubic Zirconia was created, other man-made jades is just used as the replacements of intermediate jades, not as replacements of diamond. Because Cubic Zirconia is approximate same as natural diamond in aspects of dispersion. refractive index,etc. But its hardness (8.5) and heat conductivity is lower than diamond, so it can be distinguished by precise instruments.

CZ JewelryCZ Jewelry
Do you love wearing CZ Jewelry? Come to website: CZ Jewelry to select your favorite.
Going with the CZ Jewelry,you appear distinguished in the crowd and appealing to oppostie sex.



  1. Interesting blogpost, I will return:)

  2. Pretty, but I like the real thing.

  3. What an amazing design for rings. The empty spaces are unusual and give them a lighter look.
